Etsy Marketplace Integration - OpenCart Extensions
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Etsy Marketplace Integration - OpenCart Extensions

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  • $129.99
  • $103.99

Compatibility: Opencart v2.0.x - v4.x.x
Latest Version: v2.1 (26-July-2024)
Updates available for 1 year Sales: 5000+
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OpenCart Etsy Marketplace Integration Extension

How does Etsy OpenCart Integration Extension work?

To set up the Etsy OpenCart Integration Module the OpenCart store admin need to generate the API keys (steps to generate the API key are available in the document). After successfully configuring the Etsy OpenCart extension the admin can manage their Etsy store listing, inventory and orders from the OpenCart store.

Knowband offers free installation service with free 3 months support. If you need any help with the Etsy OpenCart installation then feel free to contact our support team.

What's New in Recent Versions!

Category-Level Product Sync: The Etsy Opencart Integrator now makes it easier to manage your listings by allowing category-level product synchronization, along with the bulk update feature. This ensures faster and more efficient updates across multiple products in the same category.

Custom Product Details: You can now list products on Etsy with customized titles and descriptions. New options in the "Product Listing" tab allow you to modify product details individually, giving you more control over how your products appear on the marketplace.

Opencart to Etsy Integration in just 4 simple steps:

Setup Etsy Seller Account:

First sellers need to create a seller account on Etsy Marketplace. You'll be required to fill up the registration form. Once the seller account is created then a verification email will be sent.


Setup App on Etsy:

To establish communication between OpenCart Store and Etsy Seller Account by using the OpenCart Etsy Integration extension, you need to create an App on Etsy Marketplace. After registering your App on Etsy Marketplace, you can get the API details for the app which is used to configure the OpenCart Etsy Integration extension. The step by step instructions to create the app on Etsy Marketplace is mentioned in the user manual.


Install and Configure:

Once this is done, install the Etsy OpenCart integrator extension in your store and configure it. You need to enter the Etsy API keys to configure the module.


Start Selling:

You are now ready to sell your products on the Etsy marketplace. To start selling on the Etsy marketplace the store admin needs to create the shipping templates, shipping profiles, Attribute mapping and some other required steps for the bulk uploading of the products using the Etsy OpenCart Integrator extension.

The orders received from the Etsy marketplace can be synced to the OpenCart store, thus, making it easier for the admin to process it.

The Key feature of the Etsy OpenCart Integration Extension

Create Profile for Product Listing

Profiles Management

The admin can create profiles in the Etsy OpenCart Integration Extension. With the help of profile management store admin can select the basic settings to list the product. The required steps to create a profile is – Map the OpenCart store category with the Etsy Marketplace category, Select Shop Section, Auto Renew Option, and some additional fields which are explained in the next step.

Price Management

The Etsy OpenCart Integration plugin allows the admin to list their products to the Etsy marketplace with a different price than the OpenCart store price. The Etsy OpenCart Marketplace extension for OpenCart has the feature to list the product based on a higher or lower price based on a fixed or percentage basis.

Attribute Mapping

All the OpenCart store attributes will get synced to the Etsy OpenCart Marketplace Integration module automatically and admin just need to map these attributes with the Etsy Marketplace attributes. To map the attributes the OpenCart Etsy Integration extension offers Attribute Mapping tab to make it easy for the store admin.

Steps to List Products by using Etsy OpenCart Extension

Product Listing

All the products that admin needs to list on the Etsy Marketplace or already listed on Etsy can be viewed under the Product listing tab of the Etsy OpenCart Connector extension. The admin can view the product image, Etsy Listing Id, Name, Profile to which product is mapped, Listing Status and Date Added. By clicking on the product name admin can see their listed product directly on the Etsy store page.

Auto Renew

The auto-renew feature allows the admin to automatically renew their products when they got expired after a specified time. This feature is available under the Profiles tab of Etsy OpenCart Integration Extension. So, by using this feature do not think about the product expiry time.

Enable or Disable products

This feature allows admin to disable their products from the Etsy Marketplace. The Disabled products will get removed from the Etsy store. Admin can enable these disabled products later. So, if the admin wants to remove the products from the Etsy marketplace they can easily do it using Etsy OpenCart Integration Extension.

Sync Products to Etsy

Etsy OpenCart Integration Extension allows the store admin to sync products to Etsy Marketplace in bulk as well as individually. To sync the products in bulk the store admin needs to use the Synchronization tab. The admin can also set the cron to automate the process. To sync the products individually the store admin can use the options available in the Products tab of the OpenCart Etsy Integration extension.

The sync crons are set up to list or update all products at once. If you prefer to list products by category, you can use the individual crons available in the profile management section.

Manage Orders with ease

Orders Management

The Etsy OpenCart Integration Extension allows the store admin to sync the Etsy store orders to OpenCart store and process the orders from the OpenCart store itself. The updated status of the Etsy orders can be synced to the Etsy Marketplace. The steps required to manage the orders are mentioned in the next point.

Etsy Orders

Etsy orders make it easier for the store admin to manage their orders from the OpenCart store itself. This feature is very helpful to save time and effort. With the help of Etsy orders, store admin can easily process the Etsy orders.

Order status update on Etsy

The admin can update the order status on the Etsy marketplace once the order has been shipped. To achieve the same the admin needs to run the Order Update cron that is available under the synchronization tab of the Etsy OpenCart Integration extension.

Order Status Mapping

This tab helps to map the Etsy store order statuses to the OpenCart order statuses. Admin has the option to map the - Order Default Status (for the unpaid orders & Paid orders), Order Shipped status. This feature is available under the general settings tab of Etsy OpenCart Integration Extension.

Unpaid Order Status

The admin can select the order status which will be synced to the OpenCart store from the Etsy store and for the unpaid orders. The admin can change the unpaid order status to pending.

Paid Order Status

The admin can select the order status which will be synced to the OpenCart store from the Etsy store at the time of order sync for the paid orders. The admin can change the paid order status to processing.

Shipped Order Status

When the processing is done of any order from the OpenCart store the admin can select the order status that will be updated on Etsy Marketplace for that particular order.

Orders Synchronization

This action will sync the orders from Etsy to OpenCart. Click on the 'Orders Synchronization' to import the orders from the Etsy to Opencart. This feature is available under the Synchronization tab of Etsy OpenCart Integration Extension.

Synchronization between OpenCart and Etsy Marketplace

Sync Product Locally

With the help of local sync, admin can synchronize their product from the OpenCart store to the Etsy Integration module. This tab is available under the synchronization tab of the Etsy OpenCart Integration extension.

Sync New Products

Sync New Products allow the listing of the new products to the Etsy Marketplace. Set this CRON under the synchronization tab to run every hour to sync the products automatically using Etsy OpenCart Integration Extension. This will sync the new products only.

Sync Product Status from Etsy

By clicking the "Sync Product Status” the admin can update the Etsy listing status of the products. By using this feature admin can track the status of the product on the product listing page of the Etsy OpenCart Integration Extension. So, if the status of the Etsy order changes then it will also update in the OpenCart using Etsy OpenCart Integration Extension.

Cron Setting

The admin can set the cron for performing all the synchronization operations. The instructions to cron set up are also mentioned under the Synchronization tab of the OpenCart Etsy Integration Extension.

Advanced Features of Etsy OpenCart Integrator

Shipping Templates

Shipping Templates are used to manage the Shipping on the Etsy Marketplace. Just like the Etsy Marketplace, the OpenCart store admin can create the shipping templates from the Etsy OpenCart Integration extension that will get synced to Etsy.

Shop Section

The sellers can create shop sections to categorize their products using Etsy OpenCart Integration Extension. For example, the sellers can create sections like fashion, sports, and others and list the products in the relevant section. Thus, the customers can find the products very easily and without browsing all the products of your shop. OpenCart Etsy API integrator, in short, makes your Etsy store navigation easier for the customers to find their products.

Audit Logs

By using Audit Logs admin can keep track of all the tasks performed by checking the audit logs section of the OpenCart Etsy integrator. So, if the admin wants to check all the activities which he has done previously he can easily see using the audit logs of Etsy OpenCart Integration Extension.

Category-Level Product Sync

The Etsy Opencart Integrator now gives you better control over product listings with category-level synchronization, making management easier. It also comes with a bulk update feature for faster updates.

Custom Product Details

You can now list products on Etsy with personalized descriptions and titles. The "Product Listing" tab has new options, allowing you to customize product details more easily.


1- How to set up a seller account on Etsy Marketplace?

Below are the steps to create a seller account on Etsy

  • Go to the link -
  • Click on the “Sell on Etsy” button present at the top right corner and click on the “Register” button
  • Fill up the registration form and click on the “Register” button. It would create your seller account and send a verification email to the provided email address. It would also redirect you to another page 
  • Now, fill in your shop preferences, Name your shop, Stock your shop, how you will get paid and Set up Billing.

Refer to section “Etsy Marketplace – Seller Account Setup” in the user manual.

2- How to get ‘Etsy API Key’ and ‘Etsy API Secret’?

To get the Etsy API details you need to set up an App on Etsy developer account. Below are the steps to set up App on Etsy

  • Go to the link -
  • It would open a page where a form will be shown. Fill up the form and click on “Read Terms and Create App”. Please make sure that you left the “Inventory Management Compatibility” checkbox is checked.
  • It would ask to accept “terms and conditions”. Accept and click on the “Create App” button.
  • It would register your App on Etsy Marketplace and provide API details.

Refer to section “Etsy Marketplace – Setup an App” in the user manual.

3- How to add variations on Etsy Marketplace of already-listed products?

If you want to add any new variations in the already listed products then follow the following steps:

  • Add the new variations of products in Opencart.
  • Run “Sync Products Locally” cron.
  • Run the “Sync Updated Products” cron and the new variations will be added on Etsy.

4- How can I set a different price on Etsy Marketplace than our Opencart store?

‘Price Management’ functionality provides an option to send more or less price to Etsy Marketplace on basis of the product price on Opencart. The user needs to enable this option in the “Profiles” section and set up settings ‘Increase/Decrease Price’, ‘Increase/Decrease Price Value’ and ‘Percentage or Fixed’ fields.

For example: 

A product is of $100 and the user select “Increase” in Increase or Decrease Price, enters Price value as 5 and selects “Percentage” in Percentage or Fixed field then system will send $105 price of that product on Etsy.

5- Are you getting a Policy warning in creating the API Key of Etsy?

"It is against our API Terms of Use to instruct users to generate their own API key. If you are not a developer and you are creating an app at the instruction of someone else, reach out to API support at API keys should not be shared publicly or with other parties."

It's not against Etsy's policy to create API. In the message, it says it's against instructing users to generate their API key (if you are not a developer). There is no issue in creating an API key for Etsy. 

6- Can we list products on Etsy in multiple languages?

Yes, our module supports multiple languages. Once you add details to the product in other languages in Opencart and sync the same to Etsy using our module, it will update other language data of the product on Etsy.

7- Why products are not syncing locally?

In the Local Sync, please ensure that the category mapped in the profile should have mapped products.

Refer to section “Synchronization” in the user manual.

8- What happens to the out-of-stock product on Etsy?

When the product gets out of stock, it will be Inactive on Etsy. Once the product comes back in stock, it will again become active with updated quantity.

9- Why getting the message "Etsy API daily limit remaining: XXXX/10000" in the Etsy module?

It is not an error message, it is just the information to let you know that how many calls are remaining as Etsy has a limit for the number of calls for API.

10- What is the purpose of creating a profile in the Etsy Opencart module?

Profile-based listing allows the seller to list the attribute and category of the Opencart products with the Etsy marketplace attributes and category. The seller can select multiple Opencart store categories at a time if there is only one category on Etsy for these products.

Refer “Profiles” section in the user manual.

11- What is the purpose of the Shop section?

The shop section option offered by the Opencart Etsy API integrator enables the e-merchants to create separate sections for the products of the same type. For instance, they can create sections like fashion, sports, and others. The customers can hit the section of their choice and directly land on the products of their choice without browsing the entire assortment.

Refer ‘’Shop Section’’ section in our user manual.

12- Why it is giving messages not connected to the Etsy store while syncing countries?

You are getting this error because your Etsy shop is not connected with the Opencart Etsy module. You can connect the same by clicking connect button from the general setting tab. 

13- How to deactivate products from Etsy?

You need to first inactive the products from Etsy Marketplace and then run the “Sync Product Status” cron which will also update the product status to Inactive in our module. 

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